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Title: Sensory evaluation quality of tomato 'Florida' 47: effect of maturity, storage temperature and 1-MCP

item Plotto, Anne
item Baldwin, Elizabeth - Liz
item Goodner, Kevin
item Narciso, Jan

Submitted to: American Society of Horticulture Science Meeting
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/13/2007
Publication Date: 7/16/2007
Citation: Plotto, A., Baldwin, E.A., Goodner, K.L., Narciso, J.A. 2007. Sensory evaluation quality of tomato 'Florida' 47: effect of maturity, storage temperature and 1-MCP. American Society of Horticulture Science Meeting. Paper No. 3095.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: In Florida, tomatoes are harvested green and stored at low temperature (13 C) resulting in poor flavor. Flavor improvement might be achieved if fruit were harvested with color and/or stored at a higher temperature with the aid of 1-MCP. The effect of 1-MCP, harvest maturity and storage temperature on tomato flavor and texture was evaluated by a 10-member trained panel. 'Florida' 47 tomatoes were harvested at the breaker (BR), turning (TR) and pink (PK) stages, treated or not with 1-MCP (+/- MCP) and stored at 13 or 18 C to compare with green (GR) fruit. After ripening, fruit were evaluated and data analyzed using ANOVA and General Procrustes Analysis. BR (+/- MCP) fruit stored at 18 C had higher overall aroma, were sweeter and had less off-flavor than green (GR) tomatoes at 13 C. Since there were no flavor differences between BR, TR and PK tomatoes, a second experiment compared BR tomatoes (+/- MCP), stored at 18 C, or 13 C for 6 days then ripened at 18 C, with GR and immature green (IG) tomatoes stored 7 days at 13 C, ethylene treated and ripened at 18 C to simulate commercial conditions. GR tomatoes were firmer while (-MCP) BR tomatoes stored at 18 C had the highest ratings for overall tomato aroma and flavor, fruity aroma and sweetness. (+ MCP) BR tomatoes, stored at 18 or 13 C were rated similarly overall, with high sour and fruity flavors. (-MCP) BR fruit stored at 13 C were rated high in earthy aroma and flavor. IG tomatoes had the lowest overall and the highest off aroma and flavor. Harvesting tomatoes with color (+MCP) stored at 13 C resulted in better flavor than IG fruit stored under commercial conditions, with shelf life similar to GR fruit.