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Katie A Richard
Sugarcane Research
Agricultural Science Research Technician (Plants)

Phone: (985) 873-8635
Fax: (985) 873-7894

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Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Lignocellulosic Composition not Associated with Stem Borer Resistance in Select Louisiana Sugarcane Cultivars Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Penn, H., Johnson, R.M., Richard, K.A., Richard, R.T., White, W.H. 2023. Lignocellulosic Composition not Associated with Stem Borer Resistance in Select Louisiana Sugarcane Cultivars. Agronomy. Volume 13 Issue 11 10.3390.
Identification of selection preferences and predicting tield related traits in sugarcane seedling families using RGB spectral indices Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Johnson, R.M., Verdun, D.L., Richard, K.A. 2022. Identification of selection preferences and predicting tield related traits in sugarcane seedling families using RGB spectral indices. Agriculture. 12(9):1313.
Selection preferences of sugarcane seedling families related to yield traits and RGB spectral indices - (Abstract Only)
Effect of foliar application of glyphosate and cobalt on sugarcane yields and quality - (Abstract Only)
Da Silva, D.P., Richard, K.A., King, B.G., Johnson, R.M. 2017. Effect of foliar application of glyphosate and cobalt on sugarcane yields and quality [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 37:39-40.
Effect of growth regulators, boron and molybdenum on sugarcane grown in the greenhouse - (Abstract Only)
Da Silva, D.P., Richard, K.A., King, B.G., Johnson, R.M. 2017. Effect of growth regulators, boron and molybdenum on sugarcane grown in the greenhouse [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 34:47.