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Kathryn Lanier
Beneficial Insects Introduction Research Unit
Biological Science Technician

Phone: (302) 731-7330 ext. 236
Fax: (302) 731-1397

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Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Response to selection for parasitism of a sub-optimal, low-preference host in an aphid parasitoid Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hopper, K.R., Wittmeyer, K.T., Kuhn, K.L., Lanier, K. 2021. Response to selection for parasitism of a sub-optimal, low-preference host in an aphid parasitoid. Evolutionary Applications. 00:1-13.
Counties not countries: Variation in host specificity among populations of an aphid parasitoid Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hopper, K.R., Oppenheim, S.J., Kuhn, K.L., Lanier, K., Hoelmer, K.A., Heimpel, G.E., Meikle, W.G., O'Neil, R.J., Voegtlin, D.G., Wu, K., Woolley, J.B., Heraty, J.M. 2019. Counties not countries: Variation in host specificity among populations of an aphid parasitoid. Evolutionary Applications. 12(4):815-829.
Host specificity of Aphelinus species collected from soybean aphid in Asia Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hopper, K.R., Lanier, K., Rhoades, J.H., Hoelmer, K.A., Meikle, W.G., Heimpel, G.E., O'Neil, R.J., Voetglin, D.G., Woolley, J.B. 2017. Host specificity of Aphelinus species collected from soybean aphid in Asia. Biological Control. 115:55-73.
The defensive aphid symbiont Hamiltonella defensa affects host quality differently for Aphelinus glycinis versus Aphelinus atriplicis - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hopper, K.R., Kuhn, K.L., Lanier, K., Rhoades, J.H., Oliver, K.M., White, J.A., Asplen, M.K., Heimpel, G.E. 2017. The defensive aphid symbiont Hamiltonella defensa affects host quality differently for Aphelinus glycinis versus Aphelinus atriplicis. Biological Control. doi:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2017.05.008.
Host specificity of Aphelinus species considered for introduction to control Diuraphis noxia - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hopper, K.R., Lanier, K., Rhoades, J., Kondos, R., Coutinot, D., Mercadier, G., Ramualde, N., Roche, M., Woolley, J.B., Heraty 2017. Host specificity of Aphelinus species considered for introduction to control Diuraphis noxia. Biological Control. 107:21-32.