name: CARBENDAZIM (MBC)              CASRN: 10605-21-7   
molecular formula: C9H9N3O2                   
molecular weight: 191.19                     
physical state: S                      
(L=liquid; G=gas; S=solid)
reference: 9PMED7
Key to sources: (M)Manufacturer, (R)eview, (H)andbook,(E)xperiment,
                (C)alculated, (U)nknown, (P)EPA data, (W)auchope
* denotes a selected value where multiple values of a property are listed.
value              medium     temp.    pH  source   reference
-----              ------     -----    --  ------   ---------
Boiling point (deg C):
Melting point (deg C):
302 - 307                                    H      9PME10
Decomposition point (deg C):
307                                          H      9PME10
Heat of vaporization (deg C):
Hydrolysis (per day):
STABLE               WATER      25   5,7,9   M      9DUPON,1999
Photolysis (per day):
STABLE               WATER      25   5,7,9   M      9DUPON,1999
Vapor pressure (mPa):
1E-4                            20           H      9PMED7
0.09*                           20           H      9PME10
6.5E-5                          20           H      9ACHB2 1983
Water solubility (ppm): 
28(pH4)                         20           H      9PMED9
8(pH7)*                         20           H      9PMED9
7(pH8)                          20           H      9PMED9
Organic solubility (ppm):
5000        DIMETHYLFORMAMIDE   24           H      9PME10
300         ACETONE             24           H      9PME10 
300         ETHANOL             24           H      9PME10
100         CHLOROFORM          24           H      9PME10
135         ETHYL ACETATE       24           H      9PME10
68          DICHLOROETHANE      24           H      9PME10
36          BENZENE             24           H      9PME10
<10         CYCLOHEXANE         24           H      9PME10 
<10         DIETHYL ETHER       24           H      9PME10
Henrys law (Pa m3/mol):

4.3E-7                          25     5     M      9DUPON,1999
1.6E-6                          25     7     M      9DUPON,1999
1.8E-6                          25     9     M      9DUPON,1999
Octanol/water partitioning (log Kow):
1.38,1.54 (pH5)                              M      9DUPON,1999
1.50,1.77 (pH7)*                             M      9DUPON,1999
1.49 (pH9)                                   M      9DUPON,1999
Acid dissociation (pKa):
4.48                                         E      PSSCBG  7: 201-210 (1976)
Soil sorption:
soiltype         temp.    Kd     Koc    %om    pH   reference
--------         -----    --     ---    ---    --   ---------
                                 225                PSSCBG 11: 401-408 (1980)
                                 195   7.5          PSSCBG  7: 201-210 (1976)
                                 249   6.75         PSSCBG  7: 201-210 (1976)
                                 369   6.11         PSSCBG  7: 201-210 (1976)
                                 295   6.2          PSSCBG  7: 201-210 (1976)
                                 619   6.15         PSSCBG  7: 201-210 (1976)
                                 458   6.71         PSSCBG  7: 201-210 (1976)
                                 758   5.94         PSSCBG  7: 201-210 (1976)
                                  250               9PME10
Field dissipation halflife(days):
value              test area          pH    source  reference
-----              ---------          --    ------  ---------
58,85                                        E      PSSCBG 8: 71-78 (1977)
25                                           E      6SOILB 21: 857-861 (1989)
83                 LOAM(CA)           7.6    M      9DUPON,1999
51                 LOAM               6.4    M      9DUPON,1999
Halflife in soil:
soiltype           aerobic  anaerobic       source  reference
--------           -------  ---------       ------  ---------